If you are anything like us, the last two months have been fast and furious. Thanksgiving and Christmas both this year have given me so much to be thankful for. As we look forward to 2020, not only is it a new year but a new decade. It can also be a new beginning. So many people dwell on the past, allowing it to hold them back from accomplishing their dreams or even allowing them to move forward. Allow 2020 to be a new start. Not a resolution, so many give up on those, but renewed opportunity to make your life better. One of the things I want to do this year is start a daily devotion with God. I have not done that as often as I should, and I want to show my own children that even a few minutes with God each day can give you a renewed peace of mind. Are there things you have been scared to try out of fear of failure? What are some things you can do to improve the world around you? I have been incredibly blessed by visiting with the residents at the nursing home my mom is at. Often we go up there, and she is asleep. So, instead of just leaving, we've chosen to use it as an opportunity to visit those who may not ever have visitors. I'm amazed at how something as simple as a hug brightens their day so much. I pray that this new year brings many blessings and a renewed spirit of peace. May God shine his love, mercy, wisdom and knowledge on you as you go through 2020. --Robin