First Baptist Youth..4F-B
Faith- Building a strong foundation of Faith in Jesus Christ, so that you have the tools available to go forth and face any battle. Over half of teens abandon their faith when they go into college, therefore having a strong foundation is important. We help students build a strong lasting faith in Jesus Christ.
Friendship- Building strong Christ centered friendships that allow students to share struggles and help each other. We are all God's children, and all have struggles. Having a safe place to join others building a Christian love for one another.
Focus- Building our focus on God and Christ. Often the noise of our daily lives interferes with God’s plan. We can bring our minds back into focus and allow us to listen to what he has for us.
Family- Building strong relationships with our families. Our families are an important part of the foundation in our paths with Christ.
YouthCUE 2019 was absolutely amazing. This year YouthCUE tooks place in Waco at Baylor University on February 21-23, 2020. We traveled on Friday, Feb. 21 from Hamilton to Waco and stayed throughout the weekend in a Best Western Suites Hotel in town not too far from campus. The grand finale concert took place on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 23rd at 3:15 pm in Jones Concert Hall in the McCrary Music building on Baylor’s campus. This year our chaperones were Kayla Chadwick, Jenny Rumbolz, and Matthew Stephens. We had a great experience with our group last year and YouthCUE this year did not disappoint! We were incredibly blessed to be able to go. Here is a link to the office YouthCUE event website: