Last month, I wrote to you about the so-called “summer slump.” This month, I’m here to tell you that God has a sense of humor. Of course, you knew that already, didn’t you? The last two Sundays’ church attendance has been outstanding, and I want to

encourage you to keep that up. I know we’ll have a few “off” Sundays this summer, but I’m really tickled pink about the way everyone has remained so faithful this summer.
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” I’ve never been shy about stating that VBS is my favorite thing we do all year in the life of the church. Thanks to your prayers, support, and involvement, VBS was a smashing success. The snacks were great. The music was great. The Bible study was great. The recreation was great. This year, we added two rotations: Bible memory and missions, which were both great. We raised $200 and collected several bottles of laundry detergent for our missions project. Total enrollment was 102, and we had a daily average attendance of 88 children. The children had some amazing encounters with Jesus at VBS, many seeds were planted, and we trust that, in the Lord’s timing, we’ll see a harvest. And, just a reminder, Summer Music Camp is right around the corner!
We’re also in the final stages of preparing for our mission trip to Great Falls, Montana. The evangelical Christian presence in Great Falls has waned over the last few years, and we’ll be working with Pastor Dave Strand and the people of Big Sky Baptist Church to bring the light of the gospel and the love of Jesus Christ to children and youth in Great Falls. Specifically, we’ll be helping with a youth mini-camp during the day and with VBS in the evening time. It’s a long drive to Great Falls, and we appreciate your prayers as we travel up there and back, as well as while we work during our time there. I want to express a personal word of appreciation to those who helped with the baked potato lunch fundraiser and to those who contributed. Because of your generosity, we were able to raise enough to cover the cost of the trip. THANK YOU.
Finally, I wanted to give you an update on the progress of my doctoral work. This past Sunday afternoon, I made final edits and submitted the Culminating Project in its entirety. They have scheduled the Oral Defense for 3:00pm on Friday, June 28. Thanks for your support over the last three years. The Oral Defense the last leg of the journey, and graduation will be on August 16. As someone reminded me this morning on Facebook… when I’m done, life will be better.
I love y’all. Thanks for letting me be your pastor