I know I struggle with this. There have been some trials in my life that have brought me to my knees
and joys that caused me to stretch out my arms and thank God for his blessings. With every trial and
challenge we go through, there is a joy and victory at the end. We may not see it in the moment, but,
looking back, God often blesses us through them. This past year has brought us many times to our
knees praying. It’s been hard in so many ways for so many people—health, job, finances, loneliness,
constant anxiety and uncertainty. God doesn’t always work the way we want him to or the way we
think he ought to, but God knows what he’s doing and always gives us exactly what we need, when we
need it. So, let this be our prayer: “Lord be with us as this new year begins. Guide our families and
homes that we may begin with renewed hope in you this year. Things that often bring us to our knees
will bring ours arms outstretched in thanksgiving, as you bring us through. Give us strength in the
struggles and joy in your victories. Help us to lean on you and to know you are our guide. In Jesus’ name
Amen.” ~Robin