This has been an interesting last few weeks, to say the least. Some have quarantined themselves, some have continued to work, while others became instant home-school teachers. We have seen random acts of kindness, as well as some acts of selfishness. Through all of this though we have been tasked to come up with innovative ways to do some of our daily tasks, especially our meals. I saw a picture that said dinner has become an episode of “Chopped” with the new food combinations we’ve had to come up with, so that our children will eat the foods we’ve been able to be find at the stores. One thing we have been able to count on through all of this is Gods steadfast and unwavering love for us. He teaches us that we are not to be fearful but we are to have a sound mind. We do not need to fear the current situation, but we need to be able to think and use judgement to navigate it. Isaiah 43:2 says, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.” God will carry us through these waters, just as he’s always done in the past.
